Friday, November 26, 2010

My Adult Class Graduates! Well, sorta... they get certificates

Last week was my last week of Parent's English Class. Woot! A bit sad but that's one lesson planning class down.  

Adults aren't nearly as fun or filled with surprises as kids but my parents were still a cool bunch.  Did we have a party? Not quite. I brought some refreshments for them and continued to crack the whip
through their last lesson. Our school Vice Principal came in towards the end of the class and presented them all with certificates of completion. I guess it was a bit of a graduation day.

Our Vice Principal addresses my parents.

Koreans and certificates

I didn't understand why everything is presented in certificates. In the western culture we see certificates as something you get for completing a class where there's a special skill or trade that is learned and used. Ordinary language classes (aside form TOEFL, etc..) aren't part of that schema.

Here in Korea, I get a certificate for completing my EPIK orientation and for finishing my first and
second semesters of Korean language. Really, I've kinda not known what to do with them other than to find a trash bin so as not to have to lug them around....Now my parents were getting certificates for completing their class (despite the fact there wasn't always 100% attendance).

My favorite co-teacher explained to me that certificates are necessary and useful in Korea to show that additional schooling or training was completed. This is useful for jobs and any additional skill acquired for the job benefits the holder as well as the company that hires them.

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